Wind Weaver and the Whirling Wheel
Visiting artists Dennis Mcnett, John Hancock, and John Hitchcock invade UNF's printmaking and sculpture lab. Combining amazing talents of UNFs Sculpture and Printmaking Professors and students we were able to create large scale pieces as well as wearable masks all used as costumes and props for the play Wind Weaver and the Whirling Wheel, A Tale of Wolfbat Romance.
Dennis Mcnetts Skull mask used by my character SKY in the Wolfbat Wedding 
Bandit Bird mask
materials: mixed media
Winged skull (without wings attached) piece used as prop
Materials: mixed media
Goat chariot before being covored in prints
Materials: mixed media
Stage floor at MOCA


All the pieces are made mostly of wood, chicken wire, newspaper, screenprinted images, paper mache, with various other materials included when ne Read More
